14 ouders met wie wij direct vrienden zouden willen worden (als we tijd hadden)
Het ouderschap is niet makkelijk. Maar met een beetje humor, slaan we ons er wel doorheen
1. Het leven is ook zwaar
I can’t! It doesn’t work! HELP MEEEE! *sobs* PLEEAAASSSEEE! It’s broken! IT’S BROKENNNN! [runs from room]
-my 3yo trying to eat a Pop-tart
— Close to Classy (@closetoclassy) 8 juni 2017
2. HAHAHAHA rust…
Me: *Friday night* I’m so glad it’s the weekend. Maybe I can finally get some rest.
2yo: *Saturday at 6am* *screeches like a velociraptor*
— MyMomologue (@MyMomologue) 3 juni 2017
3. Wel zo efficient…
You could make dinner for a toddler, or you could just cut out the middle man & throw away a plate of food and squirt ketchup on the dog.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) 12 september 2014
4. Dubbele standaard
5pm, to kids: “Stop complaining that there’s nothing good to eat here! Have some fruit!”
11pm, to self: “There’s nothing good to eat here.”
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) 2 maart 2017
5. 57 uur Paw Patrol gaat je niet in de koude kleren zitten’
Netflix should have a “times watched” counter for kids’ shows so you can track your slow descent into madness.
— Lauren Mullen (@DraggingFeeties) 12 juni 2017
6. Dat spel kent alleen verliezers
5-year-old: *walks up behind me when I’m on the computer* What game are you playing?
Me: Pay the bills.
5: Are you winning?
Me: No.
— “Bare Minimum Parenting” in bookstores now (@XplodingUnicorn) 17 juni 2017
If life hands you lemons Then a mango Then an apple It’s because you’re in the fruit aisle With a 2 year old Who won’t stop handing you crap
— roothakers (@roothakers) 12 november 2009
8. Herkenbaar
I’m writing a book about parenting called, “Nevermind, I’ll Just Do It Myself!”
— The Real American Dadass (@R_A_Dadass) 24 juni 2017
9. O nee, dat zou ver-schrik-ke-lijk zijn…
Our daughter is threatening to never talk to us at night if we don’t let her stay up & I don’t think she understands threats or negotiation.
— Mike Reynolds (@EverydayGirlDad) 26 juni 2017
10. Wanneer je probeert consequent te zijn
7yo: I wanna wear my hat today
Me: Ok, but I’m not going to carry it all dayNarrator: But carry it all day he did
— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) 3 maart 2017
11. ‘Ik tel tot drie, en daarna gebeurt er niks…’
[trying to stop my toddler’s tantrum in a restaurant]
*harsh whisper* If you don’t cut it out right now then there’s nothing else I can do— mark (@TheCatWhisprer) 11 februari 2017
12. Je kan het nooit goed doen
I wish I’d known how much of parenting was having little people scream at me for giving them exactly what they wanted.
— OutnumberedMother (@OutNumbMother) 31 mei 2017
13. Je weet allebei dat dat niet waar is
I tucked my kids in last night and said, “See you in the morning!” and then we laughed and laughed. Saw them 16 more times before sunrise.
— Ashnog ⚪️ (@adult_mom) 9 maart 2016
14. Wat. Is. Dat?
Want to know fear?
Randomly feeling your toddler smear something wet on your exposed arm…Then running away.— JΛCQUΞS (@jnyemb) 25 januari 2017
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