Oeps! Deze briefjes wil je niet meekrijgen van de juf of meester

What happens at school, stays at school. Tenminste, dat hoop je. Helaas is dat niet altijd het geval, en moet je op het matje komen bij de juf of meester.
1. ‘Bowel movement: Check Backpack’
Picked up my toddler from school and was handed this note. I’m scared to look.
Onze tip: niet in de rugzak kijken. Ongeopend weggooien en een nieuwe kopen
2. ‘Demi cut her hair today. I’m so sorry :(‘
Nou ja, dit plukje valt nog mee
3. ‘During math Aiden told another student he drew a boy with a penis, pooping… I explained that we don’t need to talk about penises and pooping during math.’
Dat wordt een apart gesprek aan de eettafel vanavond
4. ‘Amara has a worm in her pocket. She did not want to throw it away. I just wanted to give you a heads up.’
Eh, bedankt voor de waarschuwing
5. ‘Tried to kiss a girl in class/cafeteria’
In de klas én in de kantine? Hij is wel vasthoudend
6. ‘Danica let a friend smell her chapstick and the friend ‘accidentally’ took a bite. Sorry’
Die is dan wel weer lekker ‘doorgesmeerd’ vanbinnen
7. ‘During Math today Max was having a hard time following along. When I asked him why he wasn’t doing his work, Max responded, “Well, I’m just too good looking!”’
Deze jongen is wel echt Too cool for school
8. ‘When I was reading to the class, Tanner removed his shoe and sock and began playing with something. It was a dead lizard. I removed the sock — it smelled of dead things.’
Wel een goede plek op een hagedis te bewaren inderdaad…
9. ‘Gabby did not like the Brie cheese, as soon as she opened it she started crying saying it smelled’
Waarschijnlijk vond ze de dag daarvoor brie nog het lekkerste wat er bestaat
10. ‘[Your kid] and a few of his friends often make up characters, give them amusing names, and then have exciting adventures at playtimes. This in itself is an imaginative and creative pastime … however, it has come to our attention that one of the characters has the name “Wildo the Dildo.”‘
This letter, that was sent home from school today, is the funniest thing I’ve ever read. pic.twitter.com/5UYItrfVmO
— Paul Hunt (@pahunt1978) February 7, 2017
Moet je hier als ouder nou om lachen of om huilen?
Bron: Buzzfeed
Lees ook: Deze 9 moeders kom je tegen op de eerste schooldag (Pas op voor het kliekje!)