Deze ouders beschrijven exact (en hilarisch) hoe moeilijk het ouderschap soms kan zijn

Het ouderschap: het levert veel op, maar soms kost het je ook een hoop. Je geduld bijvoorbeeld, en je slaap…
1. Als er één ding is dat een kind niet kan…
4yo: Mom, can I tell you something real quick?
Me: Probably not but go ahead anyways
— MomMomMomMomMom!!! (@TanyaMyck) 5 november 2017
2. Een enkeltje naar Smalland asjeblieft.
Parenthood is when “let’s go out to eat,” leads you to a Swedish furniture store that serves meatballs.
— dadpression (@Dadpression) 19 november 2017
3. NOG een dag vrij??
Me, before kids: This is dumb, we should get the whole week off.
Me, with kids in school: Do they really need the day after Thanksgiving off, too?
— Ramblin’ Mama (@ramblinma) 21 november 2017
4. Echt informatie waar je op zit te wachten…
6yo: “Daddy, did you know we eat a gallon of food every day?”
Me: “Oh, really?”
6yo: “Yes. And that’s why I just did a gallon of poop.”
— Cheese Beard (@joyfulunwisdom) 20 november 2017
5. Je kan er de klok op gelijk zetten.
Me: 5, 4, 3..
Friend who has only 1 kid: “Why are you counting down?? They’re all playing nice.”
Me: 2, 1, 0
Kid 1 {Scream crying}
Kids 2 and 3: “I DIDN’T DO IT!”
Friend: “Oh.”
— Marlebean (@Marlebean) 20 november 2017
6. Kwaad met kwaad bestrijden.
My kids have candy hangovers so I’m feeding them Pixie Stix for breakfast. Hair of the dog right?
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) 1 november 2017
There should be a children’s song “If you’re happy and you know it, keep it to yourself and let your Dad sleep.”
— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) 9 mei 2012
8. Koffie is essentieel
Welcome to motherhood. Showering is optional, coffee is not.
— MyQuestionableLife (@2questionable) 14 november 2017
but why?
but why?
but why?
but why?
but why?
but why?
but why?
but why?
but why?
but why?
but why?
but why?
but why?
but why?– kids.
— shael (@5hael) 30 oktober 2012
10. Hahaha, de naïviteit…
Before I had a child, I was so naive I thought mine would eat avocado.
— dadpression (@Dadpression) 10 november 2017
11. Wanneer komt die moeder hem weer ophalen?
Playdate kid: Wow, your garage’s really dirty
Me: Thanks-go play inside
PD kid: I bet that’s dirty too
Me: What time’s your mom coming back?— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) 28 oktober 2017
12. ‘Iiiii liiiiikeee biiiiiig…. butts and I cannot lie…
Friend: “Oh, she’s 4? My kid was reading at 4.”
Me: “Cool. Mine knows every word to ‘Baby Got Back.'”
— Ramblin’ Mama (@ramblinma) 27 september 2016
13. Tja, het is kiezen of delen
I taught my kids to be strong-willed, outspoken, assured individuals. Which is good. Except at bedtime; at bedtime it fucking sucks.
— highlyirritable (@highlyirritable) 22 maart 2012
14. De eeuwige vraag
I don’t know what’s more exhausting as a mom:
Constantly asking everyone to pick up their stuff
Just picking up everyone’s stuff myself— Toni Hammer (@realtonihammer) 12 november 2017
15. ‘Ik zeg dit niet nog een keer’ (jawel)
Okay, kids, listen closely cause I’m only gonna say this 257,000 more times.
— Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) 15 november 2017
16. Letterlijk dit.
Parenting is basically being sleep deprived while small people yell at you. #momlife #2under2
— Ashton (@AshieConner) 22 november 2017
Bron: PopSugar
LEES OOK: Deze tweets over als je man ziek is zijn té accuraat (en hilarisch!)