Ouders delen de engste dingen die hun kinderen hebben gezegd (niet lezen als je ooit nog wil slapen!)

Er is een reden dat in bijna alle horrorfilms kleine kinderen een rol spelen. Kinderen kunnen namelijk echt creepy AF zijn. Met hun denkbeeldige vriendjes, hun vreemde uitspraken en hun gekke voorgevoelens.
Afgelopen week vroeg Mikki Kendall op Twitter naar de meest creepy ervaringen met dingen die kinderen wel eens gezegd of gedaan hebben.
People who interact with kids, what is the single weirdest/creepiest thing a kid has ever said to you? It’s Saturday night so why not creep yourself out? pic.twitter.com/6pK92nOkmG
— Mikki Kendall (@Karnythia) 28 januari 2018
En de antwoorden stelden niet teleur…
I was was watching a prek class while the teacher was out and this little girl walked up to my belly pointed and said “There’s a little tiny baby in there. There’s a little baby right there.” I was pregnant but hadn’t told my job.
— Noonie Kat (@KitaMargarita) 28 januari 2018
My daughter was about 5 when she says you’re the best mommy I ever had. I said I’m the only mommy you’ve ever had. She looks at me and says no your the 3rd one but I like you the best
— iWakanda✊ (@daahlingnikki) 28 januari 2018
Back in the day my younger brother used to tell us about his “other” grandparents, and the blue house they used to live in.
After always telling him he was making it up he told our mother he could bring her there.
So, we went for a drive…— phenetiks (@phenetiks) 28 januari 2018
And this 5yo old little psycho gave her turn by turn directions for close to 45 minutes. We ended up 4-5 towns away at a dead end street with an abandoned blue house.
— phenetiks (@phenetiks) 28 januari 2018
So many to choose from, but it would have to be the day sitting on my sofa, heard a scratching noise meant to get my attention, looked up, and saw this: pic.twitter.com/uI5XQiFUjl
— Melanie Dione (@beauty_jackson) 28 januari 2018
My son, at five years old:
“Daddy, I’m gonna eat you up.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna cut you into little pieces.”
“….”— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) 28 januari 2018
My mom went upstairs for a nap. My middle son asked her if she was happy she’d be seeing Jesus soon.
— YourFavBlackAuntie (@greendoondoon) 28 januari 2018
“We’re all gonna die.”
“I know sweetie. That’s just part of-”
“You’re gonna die tomorrow.”
— Iced Pound Cake (@ms_chel_ayyye) 28 januari 2018
bron: Scary Mommy
LEES OOK: Doodeng! De meest creepy dingen die mensen zagen op hun babyfoon