11 redenen om nu al op te kijken tegen de zomervakantie

Die eindeloze zomervakantie, elk jaar is weer de vraag hoe je hem gaat overleven. Heel eerlijk, deze ouders hebben ook geen idee. Maar grappig zijn ze wel.
1. ‘Mama? Mama!? MAMA!? KIJK JE WEL!?’
If you think Twitter has tons of people craving attention & validation allow me to introduce you to kids doing tricks in a swimming pool.
— Valerie (@ValeeGrrl) 29 juni 2016
2. En…. smeren maar!
Instructor: Welcome to our Summer with Kids Preparedness class. Our first lesson is how to apply sunscreen. Everyone grab an angry raccoon.
— Mommy Cusses (@mommy_cusses) 2 augustus 2016
3. Je bent er ook wel snel weer klaar mee
Me: I’m looking forward to summer, spending more time with the kids!3yo: Hey mommy, wanna play a game I made up?
Me: Ok
3yo: It’s called Cheese Slap!
Me: Oh…no I changed my min-
3yo: *slaps me in the face with a piece of cheese*[phone]
My Mom: You were saying?— Lurkin’ Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) 31 mei 2019
4. Het grote dilemma van de zomer
It’s that weird time of day when I realize the kids are out of school for the summer, but it’s too early to start drinking.
— Rodney Lacroix (@moooooog35) 10 juni 2019
5. In de zomer smelten ook langzaam je principes
Kid: Can I have a popsicle for breakfast?
Me: No, absolutely not.
Kid: Can I have a popsicle for breakfast?
Me: After you eat your real breakfast.
Kid: What’s for breakfast?
Me: Popsicles.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) 5 juni 2019
Me tucking the kids in at 9 PM: Remember to sleep in, it’s summer and the sun rises very early
The birds at 4 AM: WAKE UP KIDS ITS TIME TO PARTY— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 11 juni 2019
7. Dat is altijd jammer
I hate when I’ve been at home with my kids for 2 months for summer break and it’s actually only been 2 weeks.
— Ash (an female) ⚪️ (@adult_mom) 12 juni 2017
8. Daar moet je optimaal gebruik van maken
After a long, hard winter, my kids like to take advantage of the beautiful summer weather by playing computer games in the basement all day.
— EricaTriesToTweet (@EricaWhoToYou) 5 juni 2017
9. Herkent iemand dit?
We are one day into summer break…
The house is trashed
The wifi is off indefinitely
The kids wont speak to meThis is normal right?
— Divergent Mama (@Divergentmama) 13 juni 2019
10. ‘Ik verveeeeeeel me…’
Now what?
-Kids on the 4th day of summer break
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) 4 juni 2019
11. Weet je nog, 5 minuten geleden?
5-year-old: We never do anything fun.
Me: I just took you out for ice cream.
5: We never do anything fun twice in a row.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) 4 juni 2017
LEES OOK: Hoe de zomervakantie me deed beseffen dat ik geen thuisblijfmoeder kan zijn