24 Ouders die helemaal klaar zijn met de tandenfee

Geloof ons, de tandenfee is het stomste verzinsel ooit. Bij de eerste losse tand is het nog wel leuk. Je maakt er een happening van, het tandje wordt bewaard en je legt een euro onder je kinds kussen. Maar daarna heb je het wel een beetje gehad, toch? Helaas geldt dit niet voor je kind, die heeft nog 19 tanden, en o wee als de tandenfee hem een keertje vergeet…
Out of all the jobs I’ve had, Tooth Fairy has been the hardest.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) November 2, 2015
Out of all the jobs I’ve had, Tooth Fairy has been the hardest.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) November 2, 2015
ME: what’s the going rate for the tooth fairy these days? like $1? $2?
WIFE: it’s more like $5
ME: well the tooth fairy’s a goddamn idiot
— Andy Hardy (@AndyAsAdjective) July 5, 2016
7: When I was waiting up for the tooth fairy I saw you tiptoe in my room.
Me: *panicking*
7: Were you trying to see her too?
Me: I SURE WAS!— Domestic Goddess (@DomesticGoddss) October 16, 2015
That moment when the Tooth Fairy doesn’t come because the Tooth Fairy fell asleep reading at 8:30 PM.
— Sarah del Rio (@sarahdelri0) March 4, 2016
Being out of town for work when your kid loses a tooth at home is like winning the parenthood lottery.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) December 3, 2015
Nothing like the 10 pm “Oh f*ck, the tooth fairy!” to shatter the bliss of the post-bedtime Netflix binge.
— Mommy, for real. (@MommyisForReal) May 18, 2016
That cringey guilt when you get your kid all excited about the Tooth Fairy… and then forget to make the exchange! pic.twitter.com/eLajPuG0gw
— HowToBeADad (@HowToBeADad) June 2, 2016
6 y.o. just lost her first tooth. In her note she asked for 5 Moolah. Apparently, she thinks the tooth fairy is a mobster.
— The Dose of Reality (@TheDoseTweets) August 2, 2014
This morning 5yr old described tooth fairy “She’s almost 2ft tall & her hand is half the size of my hand.” And it scared the shit out of me.
— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) May 27, 2014
You don’t know fear until you’ve been the Tooth Fairy.
— Karri-Leigh (@karri_leigh) May 20, 2016
7yo lost a tooth & we’re on vacation so since we used all our $1’s at the arcade, I guess the Tooth Fairy’s giving her Funland tickets.
— Valerie (@ValeeGrrl) August 26, 2015
When parents tell me they give $20 when their child loses a tooth. #LifeofDad pic.twitter.com/YPlDyZDWIG
— Life of Dad (@LifeofDadShow) April 8, 2016
The Caboodle that used to hold my makeup back in high school now hordes my kids’ old baby teeth and emergency tooth fairy money.
— Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) June 2, 2017
I convinced my kid the tooth fairy didn’t come because she works every other night
Not sure if this is my best or worst moment of parenting
— James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn) May 26, 2017
I just found my baby teeth in an old jewelry box & it warms my heart to know that someday my kids will find theirs and be equally horrified.
— HollowTreeVentures (@RobynHTV) January 18, 2017
7yo: *Super sad
Me: “Sometimes the tooth fairy gets really busy, son”
*Wife and I pantomime to each other “I thought you were going to…”— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) October 25, 2016
What’s the proper amount of $ for tooth fairy to leave a child that makes them happy but doesn’t incentivize them to rip out rest of teeth?
— Adam Horowitz (@AdamHorowitzLA) August 6, 2017
“In my day, I’d buy a doll with 1 trip from the tooth fairy. Today, that same doll will cost you 5 teeth”
Me, explaining inflation to my 6yo— One Classy Motha (@MothaKim) October 17, 2015
So…yeah…about that tooth you lost… pic.twitter.com/KMjU1GUjZK
— Chris Read (@CanadianDadBlog) March 12, 2016
The Youngster said his tooth feels loose… and I AM NOT READYYYY!
— Nicole Blades (@NicoleBlades) June 8, 2015
Parenthood is waking up feeling like a normal person, then realizing you’re pulling clean underwear from a drawer full of tiny human teeth.
— Kim Bongiorno (@LetMeStart) August 22, 2017
5yo: “What does the tooth fairy do with all those teeth?”
10yo: “Puts them into sets for old people.”
— Kathy Cooperman (@Kathy_Cooperman) June 4, 2014
Not sure my son is thrilled with the 30% off Bed Bath and Beyond coupon the tooth fairy left him last night.
— Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22) February 19, 2017
(Bron: Huffington Post)
Lees ook: De tandenfee vergeten? Gebruik deze 9 smoesjes om je fout te maskeren.